A lost part of town

Contrary to what it seems, Echternach did not stay the same over the years. These extraits from old postcards show how a town-part of central Echternach looked like before and shortly after the war. Today it does not exist anymore: It is a parking space now.

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This picture was taken long after the second world war. The town-quater Kack is still existing. Even the leather-factory still stands.
Extrait from the picture above: The shipbuilding industry has become smaller. Several years after, it will completely disappear.
After railways made their way into Luxembourg, the river Sure became less attractive as transport-passage ...
This postcard shows a view that is more than 100 years old. Shipbuilding was a successful industry.
A modern picture of Kack: The leather-factory to the right and the railway towards Rosport on the left.
Iechternach.lu Special

The lost part of town: Kack