the lake - der See - le lac
The lake of Echternach has not always been there. It was built several
decades ago - in order to make Echternach-town and the
Mullerthal-region more attractive for tourists. Over the years, the
lake has succeeded in attracting many people to Echternach -
but most of them come by car and do not stay overnight.
Still, there is a campingsite close to the lake.
Apart from being a recreational center for relaxing, swimming and
water-sports, right next to it you find a villa a large mansion, from
roman times. It has been partly excarvated and turned into a museum.
Several times during the year, there are special events organised at
the lake. The most famous of them is the free-entre-open-air-festival e-lake.
The hot-air-balloon-competition:
Get an impression of the event: watch the videos
The e-lake open-air-festival:
Infos, photos and videos